How To Jump Start Your Meditation Practice

When most people come into the studio or book a virtual meditation session it’s usually their first time giving the practice a shot. The first question that I usually ask is “what’s the barrier between you and your daily meditation practice?” The top answers that I get is the lack of time or the difficulty turning the mind off. So, with that, I just wanted to give a few quick tips to help those of you who are starting your daily meditation practice. These tips will make your meditation practice much easier to manage and won’t feel like another task to add to your calendar.

1.       Meditate for 2-5 Minutes

Time should not be a barrier between you and your meditation practice. Starting off with just two to five minutes a day can make all the difference to your day. Trying to sit in stillness for too long can make your practice feel forced and distracting which can likely discourage you from practicing at all.


2.       Meditate at the same time every day.

Meditating at the same time everyday becomes apart in your daily routine, and will make it easier to notice how you feel when you have meditated vs when you haven’t. Of course, when you feel pulled to take a breathing break outside of your set time, take it. Until you become to a point of discipline and awareness when you can feel in your body when you need a breather, meditating at the same time everyday will make it easier.


3.       Your mind doesn’t turn off.

I know that we have the perception that when meditating that we don’t think, and that’s just not true. Meditating is the practice of acknowledging thoughts, feelings, and being in the moment. You are simply the observer in these few minutes, allowing thoughts and feelings to be as they are. Don’t feel bad if thoughts are racing, emotions are high, or if its hard to keep focus. In these moments, it’s your job to only be gentle, graceful, and watch.


We hope that these tips inspires you to jumpstart your meditation practice and calms any fear based perceptions that you may have had. Don’t take it to serious, meditation is for everyone, including you, and it starts with just a few deep breaths at a time.


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